A short while ago, I wrote an article titled “Why Photographers Should Love Twitter” detailing the reasons why I love Twitter for interacting with other photographers and how great the community is there. Twitter is still great but everything has changed with the introduction of Google+. I’ve just started looking into Google+ and I’m already hooked. I see more interaction there than I have ever seen on any other social network. I’ve watched people post an image on their feed and within 5 minutes have over 80 comments. Watching the feeds of ‘Google+ Celebrities’ is even more amazing because the feeds update in real time. People like Trey Ratcliff or Darren Rowse can create a post and you can just sit and watch as hundreds of comments start to just pour in.
I’m not sure how to explain this phenomenon, but Google+ is off to a huge start. Within two weeks of launching (and by invite only I might add) Google+ was up to 10 million users. It took Facebook 852 days to accomplish that same feat and Twitter took 780 days. Now surely Facebook and Twitter paved the way for Google+ to be successful to some extent, but this is certainly a stat that can’t be ignored.
Let’s go over some of the key advantages in Google+ and why photographers should be all over this incredible new social media outlet.
Interaction and Community
Read more: http://www.digital-photography-school.com/why-photographers-should-love-google#ixzz1U75Ejoof